HongKong Post joins the logistics revolution. Deliveries made green, powered by alfred24

HongKong Post is 180 years old, but is heading towards a future underpinned by technology
HongKong Post – founded in 1841 – has been connecting people for over 180 years. It has played a significant role in delivering communication while witnessing generational transitions. What makes its history even more interesting, is that the company has found itself in the fastest-changing environment of the last century.
HongKong Post has always adapted to people’s needs. With a keen eye on a fast-growing society, the company has proved – once again – to be up-to-date choosing proximity delivery as a real, effective and green solution for the community.
People and parcels are always on the go. Delivering an high-increasing number of items to a dynamic target is challenging. Letting the people collect their purchases wherever they want seemed to be way more daring. But they tried it.
Here is how HongKong Post accepted the challenge, introducing our alfred24-powered smart lockers.
Stepping into a HongKong Post Office has never been smarter
The customer experience of stepping into a Post Office has been totally redesigned. To send to collect parcels has become easier (and smarter) than ever. What it takes to have the whole process started is nothing more than a smartphone.

Contactless has become the normal way of paying. If that was common before the COVID-19 era, now reducing the contact in touchpoints has turned out to be a must. Additionally, HongKong Post provides tablets and LED monitors to display a variety of practical information for the users.
Technology enhances postal services. How?
It’s true. Postal Services are joining the tech-way of doing things. This means automatized processes, self check-outs and contactless payments. Despite that, there have not been major changes beyond recognition. This is why HongKong Post has remained the same reliable postal service provider our grandparents remember.

HongKong Post is still the reference point for connecting people’s communication in the territory. From the deepest urban civic number to the remotest corner, the company serves the city’s people and its businesses. Digital is playing a significant role in making the user experience more intuitive. Even though the tech-powered solutions are simplifying everyday’s work, the modern HongKong Post’s facelift is not dramatically changing the functionality of the postal services.
iPostal Kiosks and iPostal Stations unveiled
HongKong Post released two new services last year. They were both created out of the people’s demands for an easier, smarter and more accessible way to manage parcels. This is how iPostal Kiosks and Stations have come to life.

iPostal Kiosk allows people to send letters and lightweight parcels. Everyday of the week, at anytime. In a similar way, the EC-Get services simplifies the local delivery of parcels, granting peace of mind for senders and recipients as well. These systems operate around the clock and their courier-agnostic accessibility is highly appreciated by users.

HongKong Post uses alfred24-powered smartlockers
The enormous potential of smart lockers is ready to be unlocked. HongKong Post has chosen alfred24 smart lockers to implement a 24/7 service to provide better for people’s needs regarding their parcels and communication.

What do they look like? Smart, integrated and robust. Users are notified in real-time about what happens to their parcels and mails. Alfred24 smart lockers speak all-couriers languages and they are accessible to anyone the user gives allowance to. They’re secure and built to last long, even in outside environments.
alfred24 lockers make proximity delivery smarter than ever
People and parcels are always on the go. This is why is harder than ever to deliver at home at a first attempt. As if home delivery looks like the most convenient way to receive online orders, it actually hides several critical points. Traffic congestion, increased costs, carbon emissions. These are just three areas in which home delivery proved not to be the real solution for more demanding e-commerce.

With alfred24 lockers, proximity delivery is now possible (and smart). Lockers are generally built to welcome all-size items, from the laundry to the largest electronic device. Additionally, custom smart lockers can come with temperature-controlled compartments that keep grocery and food delivery fresh or warm, according to the need.
HongKong Post goes smart. How about building your own smart locker network?
By using alfred24 smart locker, HongKong Post is heading toward a smarter, greener and more practical future that everyone can benefit from. Parcels are now delivered in a more efficient and sustainable way. Plus, buyers have a great chance to collect their online purchases wherever they go. They can get their mails or documents anytime they want, after being notified.

No matter what your business is about, what alfred24 can do for you is propose well-proven expertise in logistic networks. We connect people, businesses and make goods available for people to pick them up everywhere they want, at any time. No matter the size, the temperature or the frequency. This is what we do.
Do you want to know more? If you are interested in building your own smart locker network, feel free to mail alfred24 support at hello@alfred24.com.