Smart Last-Mile Logistics Solutions: Enhancing Efficiency in Parcel Delivery

Smart last-mile logistics solutions have emerged as key innovations in the logistics industry, aiming to optimize parcel delivery operations and improve customer satisfaction.

This report explores two prominent components of smart last-mile logistics — Smart Parcel Unattended Delivery Outlets (PUDOs) and Smart Locker Banks—and examines their solutions, business scenarios, and impact on the last-mile market.

Considerations Factors for Logistics Company

Logistics companies, encompassing postal and express delivery services, play a crucial role in shaping last-mile delivery strategies. Key considerations include:

  • Experience: The density of out-of-home (OOH) networks significantly influences user experience and convenience, with a concentrated deployment in core areas aiding customer acquisition and retention.
  • Expenditure: While smart locker banks and PUDOs enhance efficiency and reduce labor costs in last-mile delivery, they entail initial fixed and maintenance expenses, impacting overall expenditure.
  • Enablement: Establishing a last-mile station network enables logistics companies to maximize parcel capacity, expand business coverage, and adapt to evolving e-commerce models.
  • Environment-friendliness: As environmental awareness rises, prioritizing eco-friendly practices becomes imperative to align with consumer preferences and social responsibility.

Smart PUDOs

Smart PUDOs revolutionize the parcel pickup process by leveraging automation and digital tools. These outlets offer self-service pickup options, extended service hours, and enhanced parcel security, thereby improving efficiency and customer convenience.

Key Solutions

  • Self-Service Pickup: Customers can retrieve parcels independently, reducing wait times and enhancing convenience.
  • Extended Service Hours: Advanced smart PUDOs may offer night pickup options with unmanned service, catering to customers’ diverse schedules.
  • Parcel Security: Integration of surveillance cameras ensures the safety of parcels during pickup, minimizing the risk of loss or damage.
  • Labor Effectiveness: Automation of pickup processes reduces reliance on manual labor, improving operational efficiency.

Business Scenarios

  • Peak Delivery Periods: Smart PUDOs mitigate the impact of peak delivery periods by streamlining pickup processes and reducing wait times.
  • Parcel Security: Enhanced security measures instill customer trust and confidence in the pickup process, leading to higher satisfaction levels.
  • Labor Optimization: Automation of tasks allows staff to focus on value-added activities, improving overall productivity.

Case Study: Drive-in Store Foot Traffic


Local businesses face the challenge of attracting and retaining customers in a competitive market, especially with the rise of e-commerce.


Implementing smart pickup and drop-off points (PUDOs) can help businesses increase foot traffic and differentiate themselves.


  • Increased Foot Traffic: Offering parcel pickup services drives more people to the store, boosting foot traffic
  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: Parcel pickup encourages customers to engage with the business, potentially leading to increased sales and loyalty
  • Additional Revenue: Businesses can earn extra income by handling parcels
  • Improved Brand Perception: Providing convenient services like parcel pickup enhances the business’s reputation.
  • Easy Implementation: Setting up a PUDO is straightforward and requires minimal investment

Key Takeaways

  • Smart PUDOs can help businesses drive foot traffic, increase customer engagement, and generate additional revenue.
  • Offering parcel pickup adds convenience for customers and strengthens the business’s position in the market.

Smart Locker Banks

Smart locker banks provide automated parcel pickup and drop-off services, offering 24/7 convenience to customers. These banks improve delivery efficiency, reduce costs, and facilitate contactless transactions.

Key Solutions

  • Automated Pickup and Drop-off: Customers can conveniently retrieve and deposit parcels at their preferred time, enhancing flexibility and convenience.
  • Advertising Services: Locker compartments and screens offer opportunities for advertising, generating additional revenue streams.
  • Value-Added Services: Some locker banks offer additional services such as waste goods recycling, shared appliances, or book sharing, further enhancing customer engagement.

Business Scenarios

  • First-Time Delivery Success: Locker banks reduce the failure rate of first-time deliveries, improving overall delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Return Services: Customers can easily return parcels via locker banks, reducing the cost and complexity of returns for e-commerce platforms.
  • Cost Reduction: Locker banks optimize delivery routes and reduce labor costs, resulting in overall cost savings for logistics companies.

Case Study: Town Place












Town Place, a residential provider in Hong Kong, faced challenges in offering efficient laundry services to its serviced apartment residents due to space limitations.


Partnering with alfred24 Concierge, Town Place implemented smart locker hardware and software for outsourced laundry services.


The implementation enhanced operational efficiency, reduced administrative workload, and improved tenant satisfaction.

Key Takeaways:

  • Smart lockers provided convenient laundry access.
  • Outsourcing laundry services optimized operations.
  • Enhanced tenant satisfaction and loyalty.


Smart PUDOs and smart locker banks play integral roles in enhancing efficiency and customer satisfaction in last-mile logistics.

By leveraging automation, digital tools, and innovative business models, these solutions address key challenges in parcel delivery, offering convenience, security, and cost-effectiveness.

As the demand for efficient last-mile delivery continues to rise, smart logistics solutions will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of the logistics industry.

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