Case studies

Discover how alfred24 helped Mercedes Benz dealer Zung Fu manage assets of US$100k + around the clock securely, while also reducing operational costs.
Managing assets worth upwards of US$100k, while providing around-the-clock customer service to buyers is no easy feat.

By installing secure smart lockers in a select number of locations they were able to cut labour costs, employee training time, and vetting costs.

All while delivering a secure round-the-clock car pickup service for their most high-profile customers.

Discover how Kerry Express Hong Kong partnered with alfred24 and the Metro Transit Railway (MTR) to eliminate 9,460 delivery van trips year, while creating an instant pickup experience.
Kerry Logistics was able to launch an automated Click & Collect store in Hong Kong subway stations by implementing alfred24 (formerly known as Pakpobox Hong Kong) locker solutions. This allowed commuters to seamlessly order a range of products and collect them instantly, on their journey home.
Key Results

  • Improve the experience for their most valuable customers
  • Reduce internal labour and operating costs
  • Deliver the most valuable assets in a safe, secure way

Case studies

Smart lockers for confidential documentation management

Discover how alfred24 helped Trade Port install smart lockers for efficient office admin and document management.
Commercial providers face challenges in managing admin operations in their offices, especially when dealing with a large volume of inbound documents – daily

The confidentiality and security of these documents are of utmost importance, and ensuring that they reach the right individuals requires significant time and effort.

Learn how we helped Trade Port address these challenges with our smart locker solution.

Discover how Kerry Express Hong Kong partnered with alfred24 and the Metro Transit Railway (MTR) to eliminate 9,460 delivery van trips year, while creating an instant pickup experience.
Kerry Logistics was able to launch an automated Click & Collect store in Hong Kong subway stations by implementing alfred24 (formerly known as Pakpobox Hong Kong) locker solutions. This allowed commuters to seamlessly order a range of products and collect them instantly, on their journey home.
Key Results

  • No office staff needed to register and manage inbound deliveries manually
  • Improving delivery turnaround time and ensuring the right documents got to the right office staff quicker
  • Confidential documents could be managed more securely
  • Office could also benefit from additional personal e-commerce ordering and deliveries

 Our global track-record